"The hero of my work, in all of his naked unadorned glory, is truth."

- Tolstoy

Thanks for a wonderful career!
In 2003, after a 10 year career as a personal financial adviser I started College Planning University to educate families and the financial planning and higher education professionals that serve them.  During the following ten years I had the privilege of speaking to more than 60,000 parents and over 10,000 professionals.

I spoke in the headquarters of major corporations, at  national conferences and local high schools.  I wrote several successful seminars, coined phrases that found their way to national television ads, developed tools that changed college planning and taught thousands of financial planners my "6 Tricks".

As a kid growing up in Minnesota it was a "kick" to spend time on WCCO radio with Don Shelby and Pat Miles and on TV with Frank Vacellero and Kim Insley. 

On a national level, I was featured in many magazines and newspapers, on television and radio, and in videos, training manuals and Cds.  Charles Osgood used to spend a minute every day on his show talking of the virtues of a college planning program I created for American Express.  I dined with lots of interesting people like Mr. Osgood and some of the top speakers in the country.  I always felt like I belonged because my message was so pure and well prepared.

What many people didn't know is that I often did my corporate conference calls and California radio shows from the shores of Lake Superior, under a pine tree or on top of a mountain I had driven to for cell reception. 

As Mark Twain once said, "I woke each day torn between my desire to save the world and my need to savor the day."  As of late I've been drawn to savoring the day and that's not fair to those that count on me to deliver the message.

So, today I am going to focus on that thing that burns in my soul and see what comes from it.  I'm excited.

While I don't have 3 million followers on facebook, I have the life of my dreams.  I am proud to say it has been powered by passion and truth and funded by individuals and corporations that have believed in me.

College Planning University is closing its doors.  It's been a great success.  Thank you.